
My Groupon voucher is not working

Locating your voucher code:

After you place your order with Groupon, they provide you with a voucher code, which you then take to our website to redeem for a stamp.

To view your voucher code:

  1. Sign into your Groupon account, click on your username at the top right hand corner, and then the drop down option "My Vouchers." Here you will see all the deals you have purchased.
  2. If you purchased a voucher from us, it will show up there as "2712 Designs". Click on the blue button "View Voucher", which will give you a download of your voucher code and instructions on how to redeem under "How to Use."

Your Groupon voucher will begin with "G" and end with either "REC" , "SQ", "EMB" or "HND" depending on the item that you purchased.  

Not sure where you should be?  Check the end of your voucher code: 

  • If your voucher code ends in REC, your voucher is valid on a rectangle stamp design which can be found here:   Rectangle Stamps
  • If your voucher code ends in SQ, your voucher is valid on a square stamp stamp design which can be found here:  Square Stamps
  • If your voucher code ends in EMB, your voucher is valid on a desk embosser stamp design which can be found here:  Desk Embossers
  • If your voucher code ends in HND, your voucher is valid on a hand embosser stamp design which can be found here:  Hand Embossers


Still having difficulty? 

1. Make sure to click on the product link provided with your voucher to ensure you are taken to the correct product page associated with your voucher code (also see above).

2. Be sure that you copy and paste your voucher code from the purchaser and paste it into the coupon box in the checkout page. Voucher codes must be exact, missing or having just one character off will cause your voucher to be rejected. 

3.  Check that your voucher has not expired.  Expired vouchers can be used as store credit for the paid value. Please contact for assistance if your voucher has expired.  

Here is a link to our voucher FAQ page:



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